Welcome to Dark13ade's Deck palaceHere are the decks i will be selling!
Hieratics-100 assault cash
Hieractics are dragon type monsters where you get out atums and red-eyes metal dragon to destroy your opponentAncient Geargia's-90 assault cash
Ancient Geargia's are machines who work together to bring out stronger monsters and uses geartown to get out ancient gear gadjitron dragon out (3000atk ) also it combines machina too.Hero beat- 100 assault cash
Uses miracle fusion to get shining out with aluis and other light monster cards, also it has skill drain so people will get annoyed by how much power you have when they can't use there monsters effect.Madolce- 80 assault cash
It uses gaudian etos and your graveyard will never have any monsters in it because every time your opponent destroys a monster your madolce cards goes back in to your deck. Six sams-100 assault cash
gets out shien out really quickly and if easily gets out shogun with shien and than you will be invincible. inzektor-100 assault cash
intektors are destroys your opponents card easily because with the dragonfly with hornet effect.Hero rabbits-90 assault cash
YAA RABBITS combining rescue rabbits with elemental heros to get out some awesome xyz like laggia and utopia.Thats all for now if you want to request for a deck it will be 115 assault cash